My new cubicle buddy is actually an IVF angel!

There are some benefits of telling your work colleagues that you are about to go through IVF.  My new cubicle buddy told me that she gave injections for her friend going through IVF – so she not only knows all about IVF, but also has the injectible skills! Haha! She kindly offered to give me any of my injections if I needed the assistance.  So if we have an emergency like the time Chris had to stab me in his work car park…my cubicle angel will be there for me 🙂  In fact, another friend at work has also offered her assistance too with the injections (she has never given one before, but isn’t squeamish about it like me!).  I am loving the love and feel very grateful to be surrounded by such lovely friends 🙂


Feeling the Love right now

7 thoughts on “My new cubicle buddy is actually an IVF angel!

  1. My Perfect Breakdown says:

    I am so happy for you!! I think it’s great to have 2 people at work who you trust and who can help you out if Chris is unavailable! If I were close to you, I’d happily stick you with a needle too (okay, probably not happily, but I’d do it for you)! 🙂


  2. lyra211 says:

    Wow, that’s awesome. What great work buddies! I work in a department with all guys and they’re completely awkward about this stuff — how awesome that you’ve got such supportive women working with you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thegreatpuddingclubhunt says:

      I think It would be very awkward asking another guy to help out! I just asked my husband if he would be ok with that – he said he wouldn’t mind, but I’m not really sure that’s really not what he would feel! Having said that there are probably a couple of army medics somewhere in my building who would be OK with jabbing me!!!


  3. lovingthemarriedlife says:

    That is awesome I had my best friend help me with the injections since my hubby is no help in that department other than being my cheerleader but there were a few times when my bestie came over and did it for me like the first time I had to do it and the first time I had to do thigh shots and she did the trigger for me which is the one that scared me the most 🙂 Having an awesome support team really does seem to take the edge off the stress from having to do injections in the first place 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      • lovingthemarriedlife says:

        I understand that my hubby cheered me on from the other side of the room looking away from me lol I was surprised at how many people had fears but even more surprised at my own adrenaline scare thing I had before each and every shot I gave myself… eventually I stopped shaking before and mostly just felt my heart beat really hard oh the joys so glad I’m done with that side of things…

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