Good plan batman

First of all, let me say a big thank you to everyone who showed us support by commenting on my last update.  It has been a really difficult weekend.  Full of emotional roller coasters.  Chris and I have been brought to the edge with our sadness and confusion about our second failed IVF cycle.  I couldn’t reply to your comments without crying.  I am sure some of you who have been there have felt that overwhelmingness.  I read each and everyone one and they mean a lot, so thank you for your support.

Today we had our follow up appointment.  Chris and I prepared for the meeting the only way we know best….by making a list.  We wrote a list of all possible scenarios for ways ahead on this pudding club hunt.  And then we individually wrote down what we felt about each scenario and exchanged our thoughts.  We discussed where there were differences.  It was difficult and emotional to do as we realised that we agree in some situations, but not in others.  It’s OK at this stage that we don’t agree or have the same point of view, but it was bloody hard and we had some very raw and honest conversations.  We used up a few boxes of tissues 🙂  But what was good about this exercise is that we were ready to come to this follow up appointment prepared for whatever the doctor was going to suggest doing next.

When my doctor spoke to me on the phone to tell me the bad news that our IVF cycle had failed she mentioned poor egg quality, I took away bad things from this when I needn’t have.  This was just my doctor’s first impressions report, she hadn’t really looked into my case in detail or reviewed my history.  But this is what she did at today’s appointment.

Our doctor was very positive and believes that our best chance is to try again.  We expected that, but she ruled out egg or embryo donation for us or the necessity for genetic testing.  Our chances are still high more than 50% success.  We will make a couple of minor adaptations to our next cycle with my medication protocol by switching from antagonist protocol to Lupron (Down regulation) protocol.  I am a good responder to stimulation so she believes this may help improve the egg quality.  We will also carefully review our Day 3 v Day 5 transfer options at the time.  I had some excellent Day 3 embryos this time around, similar to my first cycle when I got my positive.  May be my embryos don’t do as well in the culture afterwards.

But before we go into another round of IVF, I need to have a hysteroscopy.  This is a small surgical procedure where the doctor inserts a camera through my cervix to look at my uterus and fallopian tube opening closely to check for any potential damage from my suspected ectopic pregnancy, scarring or inflammation as well as checking for endometriosis and taking a small biopsy for further testing.  So I am scheduled for my procedure in two weeks time!

We have a plan we are both happy with.  I felt a huge relief off my shoulders because our doctor was genuinely positive for our next round of IVF – and we pushed her about it too (well Chris did!!) – there was no BS-ing!   So all things going well after the hysteroscopy, we are looking at an April IVF/ICSI Cycle:-)

Thank you all for sticking with us through this, it has been hard, but you make it all the better!!  XXX


26 thoughts on “Good plan batman

  1. Amy M. says:

    I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been having some hard times. If you saw my last post, you’ll realize why I haven’t been commenting…yours was one of the blogs that WordPress ousted on me. But I’m back, and I’ll be here to support you on the next leg of your journey!! *hugs*

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anamarie says:

    Since we aren’t Facebook friends I’ll share with you what I posted this morning, from my time hop this day last year, when I was still waiting for my BFP: “When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” -Margaret Drabble. Still looking forward to all your possibilities!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. g2the4thpower says:

    Sounds like a good plan! Interesting what you experienced with the day 3 versus 5 quality. My situation was similar in that I responded well to stims, day 3 looked decent, but day 5 left little to work with. I remember reading somewhere that changing the culture media at regular intervals (not sure if it was each day or what) instead of using the same media throughout the 5 day growth can sometimes make a difference. In any event, I’m excited to hear you are given some thorough attention from your RE as to your specific case & needs. Sending you nothing but good juju! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • thegreatpuddingclubhunt says:

      Thank you!! Oh yes she mentioned something like this about the culture, but was sort of talking to herself as she was reading the report and trying to figure stuff out!!! In fact she she even said she was going to find out more why one particular blast wasn’t frozen on Day 6 that looked quite good. So I’m impressed at her attention to trying to solve our unknown problem!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Babyscienceproject says:

    ‘I love it when a plan comes together’ (thank you the A Team). A hysteroscopy is a good idea – mine revealed a large, lurking fibroid in the middle of my womb that was quickly removed. It’s important to weed the garden before you plant the seeds, right? Hopefully everything will be fine and you can get started on cycle 3 ASAP.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. EmilyMaine says:

    Love that you have nutted out a plan you feel happy with and that you and hubby got to talk all the scenarios through. I am impressed at how thorough you both are! I think a hysteroscopy sounds like a great idea too. It is good to get in there and see what is going on. xx

    Liked by 1 person

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