IVF Diary Vol III: 17-19 Apr 16

Medication(s) administered and dosage(s). 3DP5DT (3 days past 5 Day Transfer)  PM Progesterone in Oil 1ml Intra-muscular injection, vivelle dot estrogen patches 0.1mg x2.

Injecting into my right side is much harder than my left side – even though I’m injecting with my right hand on the right side – it’s just that I have more flexibility in turning my torso left than I do right.  Is that weird?  Or is that standard for right handed people??

Last night, my first night in a hotel on my own without Chris on hand, I gave myself the progesterone in oil injection.  I felt queasy and thought I was going to pass out as the needle got half way in.  Fortunately I didn’t, but the whole experienced has made me feel nervous about doing it again tonight :-s

We also experimented and replaced the needle with a new one after drawing up the oil to see if it made a difference.  It felt slightly sharper/easier to pierce the skin so I will keep doing that – I have enough needles stored up!!!

Medical procedures undertaken. Nil! Woohoo!!!

Any results?  The nurse called with the news about our embryos –  none of them were of sufficient quality by the end of day 6 to freeze.  Chris came to my work to give me a big hug.  The news definitely sucked…but now we know what we are dealing with.  We have both kind of pushed this news into the corner for another time to think about.  We need to focus on the right now instead.  These two little cheeky embryos had better stick!!

What are my symptoms?  The Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome symptoms have subsided, my ovaries have had lots of sharp pains and twinges the past two days, but the overall abdominal pains has almost but dissipated except for after eating.  Sore boobs….Chris hugged me and I yelped a bit from the tender boobs!!!!

How do I feel today? I had a lovely dream that I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl…like she was the most beautiful baby anyone had seen, the day of coming back home from the hospital we went to a party and showed her off to everyone, then I realised that I didn’t know how to breast feed her and some ladies had to help me. Awkward.  That was weird…but what wasn’t weird was the fact that this dream felt so real when I woke up for a slight second I thought it had actually happened for real 😦 I hope it was my body telling me something!!!

What’s next? Is it test time yet????!

The Final Countdown!!! 



*Notes.  I take First Response Reproductive Health multi vitamin gummies (pre-natal), 5mg Melatonin at bed time and CoQ10 200mg gummies daily.  NSTR = Nothing Significant To Report.

17 thoughts on “IVF Diary Vol III: 17-19 Apr 16

  1. Amy M. says:

    You should ALWAYS change your needle before injecting yourself! I’m surprised your clinic didn’t tell you that. I’m right handed as well, and I always felt it was a weird angle to do the right side injections, too. Strange! I hope your dream was a subconscious prediction! I have everything crossed for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. valleyally says:

    Sorry to hear about the blasts. I know that feeling of disappointment. It definitely is challenging.

    The good news is the best of the best are inside you and making a jive home for the next 9 months.

    Wishing you all the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 20leslieamoore12 says:

    Question! 🙂 I am new to your blog and instantly fell in love with it. Thank you for sharing your story and I hope this cycle is the one for you and your little ones stick. So question. Did they test your AMH and if so what was it? I respond poorly to stims and have trouble getting very far each cycle I try. I was told if we do get farther next time I will still produce low quality and quantity. It’s not the best news but we are going to try non the less. So I also have unexplained infertility and just trying my best to see how others AMH relates to ours and outcomes. Thank you. Tried to find a way to just message you but new to blogging and not sure if that is even an option.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thegreatpuddingclubhunt says:

      Howdie!!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!

      No they didn’t test my AMH, sorry I’m no help there!! I had to go and look back to my test results to remember (which has caused me to write a new blog post this eve BTW!!!). I am not really sure why it wasn’t done.

      Unexplained infertility truly truly sucks… 😦


  4. Nara says:

    Yeah we do the one (bigger) needle for drawing and one smaller tiny one for injecting, for the Buserelin. It is a lot easier.
    For the Gonal F last time it was just a pen so super easy to inject. It had a tiny clip on needle which was easy to punch in.
    For the Menopur now I have to draw up and inject with the same needle and it’s the most difficult to inject. It’s small which means it is kind of difficult to do the drawing, and then for some reason it doesn’t want to puncture the skin too easily either. If you have spare needles that is definitely worth a shot! (Boom boom!)

    Glad that everything is going well for you though… Not long till test day! 😊


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