Preparations for IVF Round 2

This week My nurse ordered my medications in preparation for IVF round 2.    Our doctor did tell us that she might up the stimulation drugs…but I didn’t know it might be DOUBLE 😦 Last cycle I took 300iu Gonal-F and 75iu Menopur.  This cycle I will be starting off with 400iu Gonal-F and 150iu Menopur.

Menopur is the one that frigging burns too 😦  The nurse said to me “Don’t worry, it’s still one injection.”  Well, I guess in that case I should count my blessings!

When I spoke to Freedom Fertility Pharmacy (my favourite people – not!) after telling them I am likely to be starting stims on 7th Jan, the lady on the phone said….”Great, should I schedule a delivery for your medication to arrive the 5th Jan?”.  Ummmm no, that is way too close for my comfort, and after your previous perfomances, I just don’t trust you!! (OK, so I didn’t tell her it quite like that!!).  I don’t need that stress again!

Now….just to wait for my period to start next week!  Fingers crossed all goes to plan.  But for now, this is me signing off the great pudding club hunt for a week of festivities.

Have a very merry and peaceful Christmas everybody!!! XXX


7 thoughts on “Preparations for IVF Round 2

  1. notpregnantinrezza says:

    Good luck! I’m on menopur 300 iu and the burn is really only very slight. Not that this is a thing that should become okay to feel burning as you inject yourself it that’s fertility treatment huh. Merry Xmas to you and enjoy your week of festivities!


  2. 30yr old nothing says:

    Exciting!! I hate when they want to send meds so close to your cycle starting, especially when I know they can overnight it. Just overight it!! I was on 150iu Menopur. It wasn’t all that bad this time. I’m excited for you!!


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