IVF DIARY VOL I: 22 – 24 JULY 2015

IVF_Diary_Vol1cMedication(s) administered and dosage(s). 2 injections: Gonal-F 300 iu and Menopur 75 iu

Medical procedures undertaken. Baseline ultrasound and blood test.

How do I feel today? I think every emotion under the sun has run through me!

We knew we had to deal with the financials today, but wasn’t sure what to expect so I turned up with cheque book and credit card in hand!!! Well it was all much quicker than anticipated, my insurance company has provided a letter promising to pay everything….yes everything including the ICSI! (well, everything except for the 10% co-pay of course).  I signed something saying that I would be responsible for the $14,000 bill if my insurance decided not to cover it for any reason.  So in the end, we didn’t need to pay anything upfront and we expect to see a bill of our $1,400 co-pay in 1-2 months time.  That’s great because it gives us more time to save some more and helps me feel a little more relaxed about things.

Chris surprised me with a big Zippy hug after he had stabbed me with the needles this evening.  Hiding in Zippy’s mouth was a bar of cadbury’s chocolate! Awww it was a nice perk me up.  Of course I only had 3 squares as my weekly treat!


Zippy!!! What’s in your mouth?

What are my symptoms? Just period pains.  I am actually quite surprised how heavy my period is considering I had only a 14 day cycle!

How does Chris feel today? Chris is currently writing his own separate post today about his experience this evening after he stabbed me…4 times…..with 2 needles.  You are going to want to read this!  Let’s just say there were some comedic moments.

Any results? The way I get all my results is rather handy.  I call a secure answer phone service after 4pm the day of my monitoring appointment and the nurse leaves a message with all instructions for dosages and the date/time of my next appointment.  I can call the nurse any time I like if I have questions.  I like it this way because I won’t have to worry about missing a call.  I actually didn’t get any info about my blood test results today.  But I do have an app on my phone that tracks all my results, but it updates late in the evening, so I will be a bit behind in reporting blood test results.  My ultrasound went well – my ovaries are ‘quiet’ as the doctor explained as she wants them to be.  I have several follicles between 5-6mm in size in each ovary ready to be stimulated.  For my next diary entry I’m going to figure out a nice visual way to track my follicle growth and numbers over time.

What’s next?  My next monitoring appointment is Monday morning, until then I keep going with the 2 injections a day of gonal-f  300 iu and menopur 75 iu.

Weight. NSTR.

Waist.  NSTR

Boobs. NSTR

Hours of Sunshine 🙂 We decided to get to the doctor’s nice and early this morning so we wouldn’t get caught in rush hour traffic, so we had breakfast outside starbucks, playing crib and basking in the glorious sunshine.


*Notes.  I take First Response Reproductive Health multi vitamin gummies (pre-natal) and CoQ10 200mg gummies daily.  NSTR = Nothing Significant To Report.

5 thoughts on “IVF DIARY VOL I: 22 – 24 JULY 2015

  1. ashleykyleanderson says:

    I read Chris’s post before this one. You have such a sweet husband! Lean on each other through this process, be honest about how you’re feeling even if you know it’s irrational or hormone/stress-fueled, and go out of your way to be kind to each other. You guys will come out stronger on the other side of this. ❤

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