Now I’m feeling ready!!

PC Diary @ 36 weeks 2 days… R-26 days

What a whirlwind of a past ten days or so.  It may have been crazy, but every minute was worth it!

First of all, I owe a few people some passwords for my last blog.  I forgot that with almost 200 followers on wordpress and a few more  who follow from instagram and facebook that maybe they would like to read my password protected blog and I would need to reply to every email request – whoopsie  (embarrassed face!)

Here is why it has been a whirlwind…

Doulas!  We met our two Doulas, they work in pairs to make sure that one of them is available when the time comes to meet Rocky.  We have hired them for the birth and 50 hours of post-partum support.  They are perfect for us.  We left it very late to finally select who we wanted, we meet them again later this week to go through our birthing plan and any other questions we have.

Thanksgiving.  I hope you all had a lovely thanksgiving!  It is a holiday that doesn’t mean anything particularly special to us, so it is a little bit strange to celebrate.  But we were kindly invited to join our friends for a fabulous Turkey dinner.  Nom nom nom…

Boudoir Maternity Shoot.  Chris and I researched, prepared and then did my maternity shoot, boudoir style.  Although I won’t be showing any of the more risque pics, I will definitely share some of them with you on a separate post!  Chris did a fantastic job, and he really enjoyed it too.  I was nervous we would fight about it, but nope it was just fun!  Like it should be too ;-p

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One of my faves!

Infant care class.  We thought we had better educate ourselves on how to actually look after a newborn baby!  Although much of it we mostly knew already, we did learn some handy little hints and tips.  Also it was helpful to know things we might expect to see as soon as the baby is born, what is normal and what is not normal.  We also got a neat little book too ‘The Joy of parenthood – your personal journey through newborn care’.

Transatlantic visitors.  A friend of ours was visiting the US for work, so we did the proper thing and took him and his colleague to a Southern style restaurant, and of course ate fried chicken skins, pickles, chicken coated fried bacon, burgers and meatloaf! It was so good to catch up.  I felt a bit homesick talking about our friends back in the UK and how everyone is doing 😦

Breastfeeding class.  We had to go to another hospital for this class because all the ones being run at our hospital were full.  Within the first five minutes the consultant told us that ‘you may have difficulties breastfeeding if you had difficulties getting pregnant’.  What the?!?! I had never heard this before.  I was a little bit surprised and it threw me off concentrating on the beginning of the class.  I didn’t question the consultant and thought I may ask her afterwards more about what she had said, but when it came to the end of the evening I was exhausted and just wanted to go home.  This class threw a lot of new terms and info at us in the space of three hours.  The consultant barely stopped to breathe let alone let us poor preggers people go pee!  But it was really useful and very glad we both went.  Another free book and some free nursing goodies to go.  The group of doulas we went with have a lactation consultant who will come to my house if we need to, so that is handy.

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Weekend Child birthing class.  Another intense education session!  We had a very passionate nurse who was excellent at making the class practical and interesting.  It really helped us firm up our birth plan together and worth every minute.  I practically cried at every film where they showed the actual birth!!!!

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Birthing positivity board

Housewarming, baby and birthday party.  This was our big party to celebrate our new home, semi-baby shower-esque style celebrations, and both our birthdays.  We have been preparing the past few weeks, knowing how chaotic the past week would be.  We were expecting about 80 or so people, fortunately they didn’t all arrive at once, and at one point we probably had about 20 kids running around!  It was so much fun to have everyone there.  I was truly overwhelmed with all the gifts and cards we received.  I’m kind of glad I didn’t have a baby shower after all, I think I would have just blubbered my way through it.

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Haha someone guessed 14th Jan!!!!

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The post party chaos 🙂

Maternity leave.  It was my last week at work, so I tried to wrap things up as best I could.  It was a little strange because not all of my branch was in the office, so there wasn’t really a formal goodbye.  Technically my maternity leave started today!!! Although I will be going back for the plethora of Christmas parties that are happening, assuming Rocky doesn’t arrive early.  And I will be going back in to the office every other week for a lunchtime toastmasters club meet whenever I can to keep up my public speaking skills!  When the baby comes, Chris will work from home those days and I will get to escape the baby for a few hours.  I started my leave off to a good start by getting up at the same time as Chris as he got ready for work, then after I showered I accidentally fell asleep for 1.5hrs!  I did some relaxing yoga (it felt soooooo good to stretch), adult colouring in, an episode of scandal, ate left over party food, washed all of Rocky’s new clothes and did some shopping.  Will I keep up this good balance of chillaxing with productivity?!?! I have my suspicions not….!

Pregnancy symptoms.  Lower back pain is plaguing me along with my hemorrhoids getting a whole lot worse.  They are now super big 😦  I am on my weekly obstetric appointments now so I’ll see what the doc says tomorrow, but I fear there will be little that can be done.  I think that when I go into labour they are almost certain to burst.  And I still haven’t put any more weight on, I’m sticking around the 140-141lbs mark.  I don’t understand how it is possible, my tummy is getting bigger and I’m eating plenty!

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36 weeks and feeling prepared!

Phew… has been crazy, but I am feeling really ready for Rocky to arrive now.  Not much longer til she is considered full term! Wooohoooo!!!!




Entering the thirties…

For some reason I always had it in my head that I wanted to be married before I turned 30.  I don’t really know why, but it was some kind of milestone.  Perhaps I thought I might turn into a pumpkin or something horrifying and wrinkly on my thirtieth birthday if I hadn’t gotten married by then.  30 simply seemed like a pretty scary age to reach.  I can’t remember if I ever told Chris this at the time….but we did get married when I was 29. Phew! It was actually more about coincidence than any secret desire to not get married in my thirties.  Well 30 came and went and it was just another year like any other.  I know, I’m weird. It shouldn’t make a difference.

Anyway…I digress… I am now THIRTY weeks pregnant, and this same number seems equally as scary.  For me, entering the third trimester wasn’t the scary part – it was entering my 30th week of pregnancy!  And to top it off, I have been travelling for work when I hit this milestone.  When I am travelling on my own I have waaaaay too much time to think deeply about life and what the future holds.  And that is dangerous!  It doesn’t help that October is Pregnancy and infancy loss month and I have read MANY stories of women losing their babies.  I have seriously gone through a whole box of tissues this month.

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Plus there has been a lot of discussion after the third presidential debate where Trump and Clinton discussed abortion, particularly on late term abortion.  These issues have really connected with me emotionally, where ordinarily it wouldn’t – perhaps it is just the hormones thinking too much!  I have blogged about how it took me a while to not be in denial over this pregnancy and to accept it, so I hadn’t really thought about the outcome of this pregnancy and how scary everything can seem until now.  It was really around week 27/28 when Chris and I started to seriously prepare for Rocky’s arrival that I have started to truly embrace this pregnancy and fall in love with her, so I feel there is even more to lose with this recent strong emotional attachment I’ve developed to the little pudding I am baking in my uterus.  I guess this week has been when I have started to truly worry about how this child birth thing is going to go down!  But I know that it is natural to worry for most woman who are approaching child birth for their first time (and in fact I will hazard a guess that it is equally worrying for any subsequent pregnancy!).

Getting ready.  We have been busy bunnies – knowing our diaries were getting pretty full over the next few weeks we decided to get all the basics ready for Rocky’s arrival.  The weekend of Hurricane Matthew we made all our big purchases –

  • Strollers/buggies (one jogger, one ‘umbrella’ lightweight style) which all ‘click and connect’ to a car seat.  I think they call it a ‘travel system’.  Wow choosing a stroller is intense!  It was perhaps easier than choosing a new car (Although I suspect Chris would argue otherwise with my multi-criteria analysis for buying my car!!). We chose the Graco Modes Jogger Travel System (bah which I have just noticed on sale) and Graco Breaze Click Connect Umbrella Stroller.
  • Pack n Play – this is basically a travel play pen/cot/changing table/bassinett system.  It even has a a vibrating chair and a mobile with music.  Very cool.  Who knows if it will be practical?!?! We went with the Graco Pack n Playard Nearby Napper.
  • The Layette.  We went to a few consignment/second hand baby clothing stores/boutiques and bought the basics to get us started.  Burp clothes, muslins, sleep suits, sleep sacks, socks, onesies, a few adorable outfits, swaddles, baby health care stuff. And yes, we did actually buy some clothes from the boys section.
  • Baby video monitor.  This one completely overwhelmed me.  There were so many different choices.  In the end we chose one based off reviews online because how else do you choose these days?
  • Baby Carrier/ Sling. We had a bit of fun trying these all on in babies r us.  We tried to find one that suited both Chris and I…basically it is one big long piece of cloth right?  You would think it is easy to choose a sling! Well ummmm no.  We went with the Moby Wrap Evolution Baby Carrier in DENIM!  Oh yes the colour is very important of course ;-p
  • A diaper Genie!  Basically a diaper/nappy bin.  Do we really need one?  Apparently so!
  • Diaper/nappy bag.  Sooooo many different choices – rucksack/back pack/messenger back/giant purse!  Colours, fabrics, goodies, flaps and sections inside.
  • Nursery.  We have almost finished the nursery, we are just waiting on a few items to arrive that we ordered from (wow they have some adorable stuff – at an extortionate price too!)  The majority of the furniture we bought from ikea or is second hand.  So this meant we could splash out on some of the decor items – such as the wall decals.
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I love these decals and rug!!!

Pregnancy woes.  I have been lucky with my pregnancy so far, so I guess it is expected that the last trimester will have a few woes, I can’t escape lightly.

  • Vaccine OUCHIE. I’ve already written about the side effects of the TDAP vaccine!!  That took several days before it wore off!  But I survived, that is the most important thing.
  • Turning into a Whale overnight.  I am struggling with getting out of our bed – I have to roll off the edge and clamber back in with a lot of huffing and puffing – it’s a platform bed so it’s not easy to get in or out at the moment, I may need a ladder soon and I suspect this is only going to get worse over the next few weeks!
  • The smallest bladder in the world.  Which means I rarely sleep more than three hours in a row, maybe two or three times a week I might get three hours of sleep.
  • Hemorrhoids.  The past few weeks my poo has slowed down to one a day (from three a day) and this has meant that I am now also suffering from hemorrhoids.  They are literally a pain in the arse!  I am afraid of them bursting and bleeding suddenly and freaking me out that the blood is from somewhere else!
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Some mild relief from Hemorrhoids 😦

  • Anemia.  I had a follow up blood test after my initial results came back as slightly anemic during my 24 week appointment.  At my 28 week appointment my results just came back to say I am still anemic despite taking iron supplements.  But the cause remains unknown because my iron stores are good.  So!  More blood tests! Perhaps I’m actually anemic because they keep stealing my blood for all these tests 😦 In the meantime I have been told to keep taking my iron supplements (YEY these cause even more constipation which I am trying to combat with fibre supplements) and of course my prenatals (which I have been religiously taking for almost three years now!).

 Other exciting things whilst we countdown to R-Day (i.e. Rocky’s arrival!).  

  • Maternity leave planning.  I get 20 weeks of maternity leave.  In addition I have normal annual leave to take, home leave (where I get to fly back with my family to the UK for 2 weeks) and normal holidays such as Christmas, Easter etc all to account for.  My last day in the office will be 4 weeks before the expected R-Day, so 2nd December will be my last day!  This means I only have 2 weeks in the office because the rest of the time I am either travelling or training!  Whaaat?!!  How am I going to keep myself occupied for those 4 weeks?!  Well I have my Executive Development Program work to get ahead on before Rocky arrives.  Plus I have some knitting to do 🙂  I guess you might see me write a few more blog posts!  And we are still writing our book on infertility for friends and family.  Plenty to keep me relaxed.
  • Maternity photo shoot.  Although Chris will probably take some maternity photos of me, he can’t do photos of the both of us easily, so we decided to hire a photographer.  I selected 6 local photographers, and of course let Chris decide which one to go with as he is the pro! Naturally, he picked the most expensive one ;-p We paid our deposit and selected our location, so the photo shoot will be in a couple of weeks time! All we have to do now is figure out what to wear!
  • Travelling to Europe.  I have two more work trips to fit in….Bavaria, Germany and Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.  I love love love Bavaria at this time of year – the colours in the mountains are simply amazing!  And I am excited to be going to Luxembourg because I have never been before.
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My 30 week bump flying to Germany- and the plane’s seatbelt JUST fits round it!  I hope next time I fly I don’t have to ask for an extender belt :-s

  • Nesting.  You may recall we bought a new house earlier this year.  We have been slowly fixing things, decorating etc.  But the past week or so we decided to get as much done as possible – new sofa, new patio furniture, new kitchen table, hanging pictures, selecting photos to hang, organising the study/filing etc.  Chris has also been batch cooking sauces, chillis, stews etc to fill up our chest freezer. Bless him – he has been amazing at getting things ready because I have been, quite frankly, useless! This is what is called nesting!
  • Party planning.  I am not having a baby shower…but we are having a house, baby and birthday party to celebrate our new home and to enjoy some time with our friends before our family grows into three.  Oh and it is Chris’s birthday soon too.  So why not have a big bash?

That’s a long post – I’m sorry! But it has been a while and I wanted to capture everything that has happened in the past few weeks.  Signing off with a bump pic!

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It had been 11 weeks since the last bump pic!